Press releases
PR01 - BiNa Interdisciplinary Research Platform Start-Off
PR02 - BiNa at opening event of BMBF funding initative Sustainable Management
PR03 - Bioplastics at the Junction of Science and Engineering
Publications and presentations
Most publications/presentations originated in the BiNa-Project are only available in German and not released for broader public. Please refer to the German counterpart of the website or the internal registration to get access to all publications.
Please feel free to contact the project lead, if there are any questions.
Image-Boost vs. Greenwashing? Communicating the Opportunities and Challenges of innovative Bioplastics (internal)
Julia-Maria Blesin, Miriam Jaspersen& Wiebke Möhring, oral presentation, PlasticsHeritage October 2016
Documentation of the BiNa workshops (internal)
October 2015 - focus on sustainability assessment
November 2016 - focus on sustainability assessment
February 2017 - focus on communications
Energy Analysis of Bioplastics Processing
Schulz C., Juraschek M., Herrmann C., Thiede S.
Procedia CIRP Volume 61, 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.181